“About Us” really means “about me.” I’m Jon Upton, ALPCA member 7135, and the owner and operator of Ontplates.com. I’ve been collecting Ontario license plates for over 40 years. I’m not sure how many plates I have in my collection anymore… enough to be a serious collector, but not enough to be a hoarder (I hope).
Ontplates.com is a registered small business that will be retiring as of July 1, 2025. I’m its sole proprietor, and I’m looking forward to dispensing with the record-keeping and just becoming a full-time hobbyist again.
I am always looking for old or unusual Ontario plates. I like old military plates, samples, special issues, manufacturing errors, and other weird types that you don’t see every day. I also look for regular plates that bear certain numbers. If you have something that you want to sell, why not use my contact form to send a message about it. I proudly operate The Back Bumper, my hobbyist site about collecting Ontario license plates, which has been online continuously since 1997. Once Ontplates.com is finished with its business activities, I’ll use the name to rebrand my hobby site.
I work as a high school science teacher by day. When I’m not grading papers, I play pinball, restore plates, and spend quiet time with my wife and kids.
Thanks for visiting!